Step 1 - Download the plugin
To connect between Shopware 5 and Channable, you need to download the 'Channable Connect' plugin. You can find the download of the plugin by clicking on this link.
Step 2 - Connect with Channable
Once you have downloaded the Channable Connect plugin, you go to your Shopware configuration and click on 'Plugin Manager'.
Search for the Channable Connector in the 'Installed' list and click on the pencil icon.
On the next screen, you can click the "Auto connect" button, and you will be redirected to Channable. If you have different shops/languages set in your Shopware, you choose which shop to connect by navigating to the correct tab and clicking the "Auto connect" button in that tab.
Now create a new Channable account or log in to Channable. Click on the add connection button.
Step 3 - Import your items in Channable
When the connection is made, you can import your items. Go to the project > Setup import > Choose the Shopware connection > Continue.