Oxid eSales is a German eCommerce platform for which we have a direct import connection through a plugin, which was created by our partner Response GmbH.
To connect your Oxid shop with Channable you can follow the steps below after you've installed the plugin in you Oxid store. In case you still need to install the plugin, please download the plugin here and follow the installation manual here to install the plugin.
Step 1 - Find the plugin
To find the plugin, login to your Oxid eshop and find the plugin/module by following the steps in the screenshot below.
Step 2 - Get the URL & Token
Once you've arrived at the Channable plugin, go to the settings page as it is shown in the screenshot below:
In this screen you can select some basic setting to decide how you want to export your products to Channable. When you're done changing the settings to your preferences: Copy the Store URL and the Store Token, you need them to connect with Channable (step 3 below).
Step 3 - Connect with Channable
Next, go to https://app.channable.com and login to your account. Once logged in, choose a project to import your products and go to the import area of our tool, like shown in the screenshot below:
In the next screen, click the option to create a "New import connection".
On the next page, choose the Oxid eSales connection to guide you to the place to enter the store URL and token.
Finally, fill in the store URL and token, which you've found in step 2:
Now just click "Connect with Oxid" to finalize the connection with Oxid! You're now ready to import your products from you Oxid Shop!