By setting up an Amazon API and connecting your Professional Amazon selling account to Channable, you can send your product listings to Amazon.
There are several ways to set up an Amazon API. The method you choose, and the exact steps you’ll follow, will depend on your use case.
Regardless of the use case you choose, there are some things you’ll need to have prepped before you start.
Before you start
Good to know
Providing stock information - MFN (Merchant Fulfilment Network)/AFN (Amazon Fulfilment Network): To find the Quantity field, go to the Build step, click the Attributes per category tab and scroll to the Offer section. Next to Fulfillment availability, click the+ Add button.
- If you are using MFN, set Fulfillment channel code field to DEFAULT (Click the dropdown field > Static values > DEFAULT).
- If you are using AFN, set Fulfillment channel code to the Amazon warehouse code (Click the dropdown field > Static values > [your relevant Amazon code]).
- Make sure you also fill in the Merchant Shipping Group with the Shipping Template ID.
- Selling something that is not in the Amazon catalog: Amazon has a global catalog of all products that are sold on Amazon. If multiple sellers are selling the same product, it is always shown as one Amazon listing. Listings can have multiple offers coming from different sellers. If you want to sell something that does not yet exist in the Amazon Catalog, you will need to create a new Amazon Listing/Product to be accepted in that Catalog.
What you’ll need
- Valid EAN/GTINs for your products
- A Professional Amazon selling account (Required to sell on Amazon via an API)
- Permission from Amazon to sell a certain item or category
Choose your use case
- I want to create new products on Amazon
- I’m selling products that already exist in Amazon Catalog, and I know which items these are in my import
- I’m selling products that already exist in Amazon Catalog, but I don’t know which items these are in my import
- I already have existing listings in my Amazon account, and I know which items these are in my import
I already have existing listings in my Amazon account, but I don’t know which items these are in my import, or which items need to be added as new items to Amazon
Set up an API to create new products
Step 1: Generate your Amazon API key
- Log in to Amazon.
- Go to Settings > Account info > Your merchant token. Make note of your seller ID and MWS authentication token, as you need it later.
- Go to Settings > User permissions > Third-party developer and Apps.
- Click Authorize a new developer.
- Fill in the developer information based on your Amazon region as follows:
Amazon Region | Developer Name | Identification Number |
Amazon Europe | Channable | 6553-1316-0844 |
Amazon North America | Channable | 7448-9533-3156 |
- Click Next.
Step 2: Connect to Amazon
- In Channable, go to Projects > [Your project] > APIs.
- Click + Add new API. This directs you to Connections.
- Click + Add a new Connection and select Amazon. Fill in the following:
- For Label: Name your connection
- For Seller ID: Enter your merchant token
- For Region: Choose Europe or North America.
- Click Create. We redirect you to your Amazon Seller account to finalize the connection.
Step 3: Create your API
- Select your new Amazon API.
- For ‘Name’, choose a name for your API.
- For ‘Unique ID per item’, select a field to pull your product's ID data. (This is often ‘id’).
- For Amazon Country, select the country to advertise your listings.
- For ‘Listing requirement level’, select ‘Product and Offer’.
- Click Continue.
Step 4: Categorize your products
- In [your Amazon API], go to the Categories step.
- Create categories for your listings. Use ‘Smart categorization’ to automatically match your items to a likely corresponding category on Amazon, generate categories based on a category field, or create categories from scratch.
Step 5: Create rules to enrich, filter, and refine your product data
When your product data is incomplete or doesn’t match the format that Amazon requires, you need to use rules in Channable to make improvements. Create rules to optimize your products and meet Amazon’s listing requirements.
Step 6: Map product attributes
- In [your Amazon API], navigate to the Build step.
- In the ‘Shared attributes’ tab, map fields to an appropriate corresponding field from your data.
- Click Save.
- Repeat this for the ‘Attributes per category’ tab.
- Go to the Quality step and review and resolve any items flagged with errors.
Step 7: Activate your Amazon API
- In the Channable sidebar, click Settings.
- At ‘Status’ click Activate project, and Save.
- Click APIs to return back to your API overview page. Select the Settings step in the Edit column of [your Amazon API].
- Click Activate API > Save.
- Click Back to return to the APIs overview page.
- Click Run now to send your product listings to Amazon.
Step 8: Check your listings for errors
You can go to the Result step of your Amazon API to check if your product listings have errors. If a product has an error you can click on it to learn more about the cause and how to resolve it.
Set up an API to sell existing products (clean import)
Follow these steps if you’re selling products that already exist in Amazon, and you know which items these are in your import.
Step 1: Generate your Amazon API key
- Log in to Amazon.
- Go to Settings > Account info > Your merchant token. Make note of your seller ID and MWS authentication token, as you need it later.
- Go to Settings > User permissions > Third-party developer and Apps.
- Click Authorize a new developer.
- Fill in the developer information based on your Amazon region as follows:
Amazon Region | Developer Name | Identification Number |
Amazon Europe | Channable | 6553-1316-0844 |
Amazon North America | Channable | 7448-9533-3156 |
- Click Next.
Step 2: Connect to Amazon
- In Channable, go to Projects > [Your project] > APIs.
- Click + Add new API. This directs you to Connections.
- Click + Add a new Connection and select Amazon. Fill in the following:
- For Label: Name your connection
- For Seller ID: Enter your merchant token
- For Region: Choose Europe or North America.
- Click Create. We redirect you to your Amazon Seller account to finalize the connection.
Step 3: Create your API
- Select your new Amazon API.
- For ‘Name’, choose a name for your API.
- For ‘Unique ID per item’, select a field to pull your product's ID data. (This is often ‘id’).
- For ‘Listing requirement level’, select ‘Offer only’.
- For Amazon Country, select the country to advertise your listings.
- Click Continue.
Step 4: Categorize your products
- In [your Amazon API], go to the Categories step.
- Create categories for your listings. Use ‘Smart categorization’ to automatically match your items to a likely corresponding category on Amazon, generate categories based on a category field, or create categories from scratch.
Step 5: Create rules to enrich, filter, and refine your product data
When your product data is incomplete or doesn’t match the format that Amazon requires, you need to use rules in Channable to make improvements. Create rules to optimize your products and meet Amazon’s listing requirements.
Step 6: Map product attributes
- In [your Amazon API], navigate to the Build step.
- In the ‘Shared attributes’ tab, map fields to an appropriate corresponding field from your data.
- Click Save.
- Repeat this for the ‘Attributes per category’ tab.
- Go to the Quality step and review and resolve any items flagged with errors.
Step 7: Dry run and launch your API
- Go to the Preview step and open the ‘Matched items’ tab.
- Click Dry run to check if your API is correctly feeding information to Amazon and your products are matched properly to the items in your Amazon account.
- Click Activate API.
Step 8: Check your listings for errors
You can go to the Result step of your Amazon API to check if your product listings have errors. If a product has an error you can click on it to learn more about the cause and how to resolve it.
Set up an API to sell existing products (import contains non-existing products)
Follow these steps if you’re selling products that already exist in Amazon, but you don’t know which items these are in your import.
Step 1: Generate your Amazon API key
- Log in to Amazon.
- Go to Settings > Account info > Your merchant token. Make note of your seller ID and MWS authentication token, as you need it later.
- Go to Settings > User permissions > Third-party developer and Apps.
- Click Authorize a new developer.
- Fill in the developer information based on your Amazon region as follows:
Amazon Region | Developer Name | Identification Number |
Amazon Europe | Channable | 6553-1316-0844 |
Amazon North America | Channable | 7448-9533-3156 |
- Click Next.
Step 2: Connect to Amazon
- In Channable, go to Projects > [Your project] > APIs.
- Click + Add new API. This directs you to Connections.
- Click + Add a new Connection and select Amazon. Fill in the following:
- For Label: Name your connection
- For Seller ID: Enter your merchant token
- For Region: Choose Europe or North America.
- Click Create. We redirect you to your Amazon Seller account to finalize the connection.
Step 3: Create your API
- Select your new Amazon API.
- For ‘Name’, choose a name for your API.
- For ‘Unique ID per item’, select a field to pull your product's ID data. (This is often ‘id’).
- For ‘Offer requirement level’, select ‘Offer only’.
- For Amazon Country, select the country to advertise your listings.
- Click Continue.
Step 4: Categorize your products
- In [your Amazon API], go to the Categories step.
- Create categories for your listings. Use ‘Smart categorization’ to automatically match your items to a likely corresponding category on Amazon, generate categories based on a category field, or create categories from scratch.
Step 5: Create rules to enrich, filter, and refine your product data
When your product data is incomplete or doesn’t match the format that Amazon requires, you need to use rules in Channable to make improvements. Create rules to optimize your products and meet Amazon’s listing requirements.
Step 6: Map product attributes
- In [your Amazon API], navigate to the Build step.
- In the ‘Shared attributes’ tab, map fields to an appropriate corresponding field from your data.
- Click Save.
- Repeat this for the ‘Attributes per category’ tab.
- Go to the Quality step and review and resolve any items flagged with errors.
Step 6: Dry run and launch your API
- Go to the Preview step and open the ‘Matched items’ tab.
- Click Dry run to check if your API is correctly feeding information to Amazon and your products are matched properly to the items in your Amazon account.
- Click Activate API.
Step 7: Check your listings for errors
You can go to the Result step of your Amazon API to check if your product listings have errors. If a product has an error you can click on it to learn more about the cause and how to resolve it.
You can download your results as CSV file to identify the products that don’t exist in Amazon’s catalog and create new products for them.
Set up an API for existing listings in your Amazon account (clean import)
Follow these steps if you have existing listings in my Amazon account.
Step 1: Generate your Amazon API key
- Log in to Amazon.
- Go to Settings > Account info > Your merchant token. Make note of your seller ID and MWS authentication token, as you need it later.
- Go to Settings > User permissions > Third-party developer and Apps.
- Click Authorize a new developer.
- Fill in the developer information based on your Amazon region as follows:
Amazon Region | Developer Name | Identification Number |
Amazon Europe | Channable | 6553-1316-0844 |
Amazon North America | Channable | 7448-9533-3156 |
- Click Next.
Step 2: Connect to Amazon
- In Channable, go to Projects > [Your project] > APIs.
- Click + Add new API. This directs you to Connections.
- Click + Add a new Connection and select Amazon. Fill in the following:
- For Label: Name your connection
- For Seller ID: Enter your merchant token
- For Region: Choose Europe or North America.
- Click Create. We redirect you to your Amazon Seller account to finalize the connection.
Step 3: Create your API
- Select your new Amazon API.
- For ‘Name’, choose a name for your API.
- For ‘Unique ID per item’, select a field to pull your product's ID data. (This is often ‘id’).
- For ‘Offer requirement level’, select ‘Offer only’.
- For Amazon Country, select the country to advertise your listings.
- Click Continue.
Step 4: Map external ID
- In [your Amazon API], navigate to the Build step.
- In the ‘Shared attributes’ tab at ‘External product ID’, map the ‘Type’ field with the external ID used to identify your products (e.g. ean, upc), and the ‘ID’ field with the corresponding external product value ID (e.g. gtin, asin, ean).
- Click Save.
- Go to the Quality step and review and resolve any items flagged with errors.
Step 5: Create rules to clean up ID data
When your product data is incomplete or doesn’t match the format that Amazon requires, you need to use rules in Channable to make improvements. Create rules to ensure each product has an external ID (e.g. ASIN, EAN, GTIN, UPC) field populated.
Step 6: Dry run and launch your API
- Go to the Preview step and open the ‘Matched items’ tab.
- Click Dry run to check if your API is correctly feeding information to Amazon and your products are matched properly to the items in your Amazon account.
- If you’re happy with the results, continue to the next steps. If you’re not happy, follow the steps in another section to troubleshoot.
Step 7: Categorize your products
- In [your Amazon API], return to the Categories step.
- Create categories for your listings. Use ‘Smart categorization’ to automatically match your items to a likely corresponding category on Amazon, generate categories based on a category field, or create categories from scratch.
Step 8: Activate your Amazon API
- In the Channable sidebar, click Settings.
- At ‘Status:’ click Activate project, and Save.
- Click APIs to return back to your API overview page. Select the Settings step in the Edit column of [your Amazon API].
- Click Activate API > Save.
- Click Back to return to the APIs overview page.
- Click Run now to send your product listings to Amazon.
Step 9: Check your listings for errors
You can go to the Result step of your Amazon API to check if your product listings have errors. If a product has an error you can click on it to learn more about the cause and how to resolve it.
Set up an API for existing listings in your Amazon account (import contains non-existing products)
Follow these steps if you already have existing listings in your Amazon account, but you don’t know which items these are in your import, or which items need to be added as new items to Amazon.
Step 1: Generate your Amazon API key
- Log in to Amazon.
- Go to Settings > Account info > Your merchant token. Make note of your seller ID and MWS authentication token, as you need it later.
- Go to Settings > User permissions > Third-party developer and Apps.
- Click Authorize a new developer.
- Fill in the developer information based on your Amazon region as follows:
Amazon Region | Developer Name | Identification Number |
Amazon Europe | Channable | 6553-1316-0844 |
Amazon North America | Channable | 7448-9533-3156 |
- Click Next.
Step 2: Connect to Amazon
- In Channable, go to Projects > [Your project] > APIs.
- Click + Add new API. This directs you to Connections.
- Click + Add a new Connection and select Amazon. Fill in the following:
- For Label: Name your connection
- For Seller ID: Enter your merchant token
- For Region: Choose Europe or North America.
- Click Create. We redirect you to your Amazon Seller account to finalize the connection.
Step 3: Create your API
- Select your new Amazon API.
- For ‘Name’, choose a name for your API.
- For ‘Unique ID per item’, select a field to pull your product's ID data. (This is often ‘id’).
- For ‘Offer requirement level’, select ‘Offer only’.
- For Amazon Country, select the country to advertise your listings.
- Click Continue.
Step 4: Map external ID
- In [your Amazon API], navigate to the Build step.
- In the ‘Shared attributes’ tab at ‘External product ID’, map the ‘Type’ field with the external ID used to identify your products (e.g. ean, upc), and the ‘ID’ field with the corresponding external product value ID (e.g. gtin, asin, ean).
- Click Save.
- Go to the Quality step and review and resolve any items flagged with errors.
Step 5: Create rules to clean up ID data
When your product data is incomplete or doesn’t match the format that Amazon requires, you need to use rules in Channable to make improvements. Create rules to ensure each product has an external ID (e.g. ASIN, EAN, GTIN, UPC) field populated.
Step 6: Dry run and launch your API
- Go to the Preview step and open the ‘Matched items’ tab.
- Click Dry run to check if your API is correctly feeding information to Amazon and your products are matched properly to the items in your Amazon account.
Step 7: Troubleshoot missing products
- Go to the ‘Matched items’ tab in the Preview step.
- At the ‘All’ dropdown menu, select “No match found” and click Download as CSV. This downloads a CSV file of the items that don’t exist in Amazon’s catalog.
- In the same dropdown, select “Active” and click Download as CSV to get a CSV file of your products that exist in Amazon’s catalog.
- Create a rule to exclude the items that don’t exist in Amazon’s catalog from your listings. Be sure to click Save.
If id contains (the numbers from the downloaded CSV)
Then exclude.
Step 8: Categorize your products
- In [your Amazon API], return to the Categories step.
- Create categories for your listings. Use ‘Smart categorization’ to automatically match your items to a likely corresponding category on Amazon, generate categories based on a category field, or create categories from scratch.
Step 9: Activate your Amazon API
- In the Channable sidebar, click Settings.
- At ‘Status:’ click Activate project, and Save.
- Click APIs to return back to your API overview page. Select the Settings step in the Edit column of [your Amazon API].
- Click Activate API > Save.
Step 10: Create a new API
- Go to APIs and click + Add new API. This directs you to Connections.
- Select [your existing Amazon connection]. This redirects you to your new Amazon API.
- For ‘Name’, choose a name for your API.
- For ‘Unique ID per item’, select a field to pull your product's ID data. (This is often ‘id’).
- For ‘Offer requirement level’, select ‘Product and offer”.
- For Amazon Country, select the same country you chose in the previous API.
- Click Continue.
Step 11: Create rules to exclude active items
Create a rule to exclude the items listed in the “Active” items CSV file you downloaded.
Step 12: Categorize your products
- Go to the Categories step.
- Create categories for your listings. Use ‘Smart categorization’ to automatically match your items to a likely corresponding category on Amazon, generate categories based on a category field, or create categories from scratch.
Step 13: Create rules to enrich, filter, and refine your product data
When your product data is incomplete or doesn’t match the format that Amazon requires, you need to use rules in Channable to make improvements. Create rules to optimize your products and meet Amazon’s listing requirements.
Step 14: Map product attributes
- Navigate to the Build step.
- In the ‘Shared attributes’ tab, map fields to an appropriate corresponding field from your data. When you’re done, click Save.
- Repeat this for the ‘Attributes per category’ tab.
- Go to the Quality step and review and resolve any items flagged with errors.
Step 15: Activate your Amazon API
- In the Channable sidebar, click Settings.
- At ‘Status’ click Activate project, and Save.
- Click APIs to return back to your API overview page. Select the Settings step in the Edit column of [your Amazon API].
- Click Activate API > Save.
- Click Back to return to the APIs overview page.
- Click Run now to send your product listings to Amazon.
Step 16: Check your listings for errors
You can go to the Result step of your Amazon API to check if your product listings have errors. If a product has an error you can click on it to learn more about the cause and how to resolve it.