A CSV file is a simple text file used to store tables of data, like spreadsheets or databases. Each line corresponds to a row, and values are commonly separated by commas. Opening CSV files directly in Excel can result in disorganized data, as Excel might not separate columns correctly. Understanding how to open CSV files properly in Excel ensures your data is displayed accurately and is easy to work with.
Opening a CSV file in Excel
Follow the steps below to open a CSV file in Excel.
Open a new Excel file;
Navigate to the Data tab and choose From Text/CSV;
Set File Origin to 65001: Unicode (UTF-8);
Determine the delimiter used in your CSV file (e.g., comma, semicolon or tab) and select the value for the Delimiter option;
Click Load in the bottom right corner to correctly open the CSV file in Excel.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your CSV files open correctly in Excel, preserving the data's accuracy.