Direct Debit
Click on the account name at the top right of our tool and go to Billing settings > payment methods > Add payment method > Direct Debit. Here you need to fill in your Bank account number (IBAN) and Bank account name. You also need to check the box to approve that Channable automatically deducts the monthly subscription fee from this bank account. Click on 'save' when you are done!
Credit Card
If you want to pay by credit card, you need to contact us first, so we can enable this payment method for your account.
If we have confirmed this, click on the account name at the top right of our tool and go to Billing settings > payment methods > Add payment method. You will now see the option Credit Card. Click on the Credit Card option and fill in your Credit card number, Expiry date and CVC code. Click on 'save' when you are done!