Step 1: Creating an Insights Dashboard
Once this is done, you can navigate to Setup > Setup Insights to create an Insights Dashboard. Here you can create a new source or select the existing source you would like to collect data from and give the dashboard a name.
For Google Ads Cost Per Click (CPC) dashboards, you can choose one or multiple Google Ads accounts and Google Merchant Center IDs. If you select multiple sources, then their data will be added together in the dashboard.
For Amazon Ads Cost Per Click (CPC) dashboards, you need to select a time range attribution. Amazon Ads API has variations of some metrics. For example, Units Sold can be counted in case they were made within 1, 7, 14 or 30 days of an ad click. This is what is defined by a time range attribution.
For bol. ads Cost Per Click (CPC) dashboards, you need to select the field that contains the EAN codes of your currently listed products on Bol.
For the Date range setting, you can select between two options: rolling date and fixed date range.
The rolling date range is a moving date range, for example, the last 30 days or the last 7 days. This is relative because it moves with the current date. A fixed date range has a fixed start and end date.
You can create multiple Insights dashboards for the same source, but for multiple date ranges and/or different data combinations.
In addition, you can choose to group data based on category/brand/any or other field from your imported items. For Google Ads, you can also select to filter the products by Product country based on your Merchant Center data.
Step 2: How can I view the Insights data?
Channable Insights has a separate view in the Channable dashboard. You can find this view under Dashboard > Dashboard Insights. Here you will find a graph that shows the revenue in comparison with the costs.
If you want to view the statistics at the product level, you can click on this product and here you will also find a graph and a data overview.
Learn more: If you want to know more about how to use insights in rules, go to this article.