To see your current usage and subscription, you can navigate to 'Plans & Pricing' in the settings section of the left menu in the tool. This overview consists of 3 parts: 'All selected plans & add-ons', 'Invoices' and 'Current active usage'.
All selected plans & add-ons
In the left section, you can see the overview of your subscription including any add-ons you have added, and the total price you currently pay.
For more information on our pricing and what is included in our subscriptions, see our pricing plan page.
For more information on the add-ons and how to add them to your subscription, see this section.
By clicking on the 'Plans' tab you can down- or upgrade your subscription.
Current active usage
On the right side, you can see an overview of the current active usage within your account. It is divided between the different plans. 'Core', 'Marketplaces', 'PPC', 'Insights', and 'Creatives'.
The 'Core' shows an overview of the following things:
- The limits of your plan.
- The number of active projects or shops.
- The number of active channels: this is the sum of all active feeds and API's in all active projects.
- The number of active SKUs: this is the sum of all items being imported in all active projects.
- If you are using Advanced notifications.
- If you are using Advanced user roles.
- The amount of set scheduled runs per day.
The 'Marketplaces' shows an overview of the following things:
- The number of active marketplace connections(APIs).
- The number of active order connections.
- The number of active repricers.
The 'PPC' shows an overview of the following things:
- If you can use only one or both platforms.
- If you are using Google Ads.
- If you are using Bol Ads.
- If you are using Amazon Ads.
The 'Insights' shows an overview of the following things:
- If you have an active Insights connection.
The 'Creatives' shows an overview of the following things:
- If you are using the image editor.
When one or more of these sections exceed their usage limits, they will be highlighted in red. This signifies that your current subscription has been exceeded. To rectify this, you have two options: upgrade your subscription to accommodate your increased usage or ensure that your usage falls within the allowable limit once again. Additionally, a pop-up notification will inform you of over-usage.
In this section, you will find an overview of all invoices. You will find here, among other things:
- The invoice number
- Date of the invoice
- Total amount of the invoice
- The option to download the invoice as a PDF.