Rules are the heart and soul of Channable. You will find the rules section in each feature of Channable. Rules consist of two parts, an ‘if’ part and a ‘then’ part. With the use of these if-then statements you can do everything a programmer can to modify your imported data. This article covers the THEN-statement in a rule. For an explanation of the IF-condition, see this article.
With the ‘then’ statement you are able to do something with the items you selected in the if-condition. For example, you selected in the if-condition items with an empty 'image link' field. You do not want these items on your export channel, so you would exclude these items. With the ‘then’ statement you are able to do so. What we want to do in this case is take all fields and ‘exclude’. Click on ‘do nothing’ and set to ‘exclude’. If you save the rule, the items with no image link are excluded for this export feed.
In the statistics on the right side of your screen you can always check what the rules have done. If you save the rule you will see how many items you had before creating the rule, and how many items you have left after creating the rule.
Expanding your THEN statement with AND
You can extend the 'then' statement with AND. By adding AND to your THEN-statement you can make multiple changes to the items you have targeted in the IF-condition. For example, your import is missing the information for 'condition' and 'brand name' for all your items. By means of AND you can fill both fields with the correct values with the use of one rule. See the image below for the example:
Expanding your THEN statement with ELSE
If you add the ELSE-statement to a rule, it means that for every item that is not targeted in the IF-condition, the action in the ELSE-statement will be used. Due to this functionality, the ELSE statement will decrease the number of rules you need to create. For example, if you offer free shipping for products above 50 euros but do want to charge shipping costs for products under 50 euros, you can realize this in one rule with the ELSE-statement. See the image below for the example:
In the image above, all products with a price greater than 50 (as targeted in the IF-condition) are given a shipping price of '0' with the THEN-statement. All other products are given a shipping price of '3.95' with the ELSE-statement in the same rule.
THEN-statement options
There are several options that you can select in the THEN-statement to edit your items. The following options are available in the THEN-statement:
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Tracking and categories | Math | Item | List |