Where can I find the Shopping Ads errors?
To check for errors in any part of Shopping Ads campaigns, navigate to the Preview step of your ad generator. Here, you will find separate tabs for different Shopping Ads elements, such as campaigns and ad groups. Select the tab you want to view errors for and filter them by choosing "By Error" from the Filter drop-down menu. Now, you see elements that have errors, and the "Status" column will indicate the specific errors. By clicking on each error, you can access more detailed information, including the cause and type of error.
1. Incorrect Merchant ID
If you see this error, you should verify your Merchant ID and confirm that you have correctly linked your Google Merchant center to your Google Ads account. You can read more about how to link these account by following Google's article: Link your Merchant Center and Google Ads account
2. Changes made in Google Ads resulting in a failed generator
Making any changes to the Ads, excluding the CPC value, will result in a synchronization error between Channable and Google Ads. Due to this synchronization error, the generator will fail.
To fix this issue, the change made in Google Ads must be reverted. You can achieve this by using the "undo" button in Google Ads.
3. 'ad group has incompatible product group subdivision coming from multiple dynamic ad groups'
This error will be seen if you have multiple ad group generators using the same ad group name but different product group subdivisions
4. Exceed Product Limit
Google places limitations on the number of products, which are determined by 'nodes'. Google defines a 'node' as every item in a group subdivision tree.
Therefore, creating 3 levels of subdivision will reduce the number of allowed products (nodes). The limit for this is 20,000 and exceeding this will result in an error.
One possible workaround for this issue is to avoid using the lowest level product ID. For instance, selecting a higher level, such as 'brand' all products will still be categorized under their respective brands. Another possible solution is to generate new ad groups using multiple ad group generators.
5. CPC Value
Channable only determines the CPC value once, which means that when the ad group is being created we set the CPC that has been set at that point in time in the settings of the Shopping generator. When new product groups are being created they retrieve the default CPC from the ad group they fall under.
However, if you were to create new ad groups after you changed the CPC setting, these would get the new CPC. Product groups under those new ad groups would then also get the new CPC value.
The CPC value is never again updated for the Ad by Channable because you are able to do this manually or with one of the tools that can be linked with Google Ads.
6. Deleted Campaigns or Ad groups Error
When campaigns or ad groups are manually removed from Google Ads, we show an error message instead of recreating the campaign or ad group automatically. This error appears as a RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
Our tool thinks that the ad groups or campaigns still exist, so it tries to create ads and keywords for these groups. But since they are deleted, Google returns this RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND
error because Google can’t find these ad groups or campaigns from Channable anymore.
Most of the time you can solve this error easily by renaming the campaigns or ad groups within our tool and after the next generator run they will be created in Google Ads. We cannot restore deleted campaigns or ad groups so recreating them is the only option, and changing the names is the quickest way of doing this.