Keywords tab
To add Google Ads (negative) keywords, head over to the Ad groups menu of your campaign. Within the ad groups tab you will see additional tabs. Choose the 'keywords' tab to add some keywords to your campaign.
Setting up keywords
To add a keyword click on 'New keyword'. A field will then appear in which you can see a field from your feed from which keywords will be extracted.
To add a new dynamic field, click on the plus sign. To delete a particular field, click the 'x' button next to it.
You also have the option to just type in static keywords yourself, if you do not wish the program to extract keywords from a field in your datafeed.
Under 'Type' on the right hand side, you can choose how closely your keywords will be matched with search terms.
You can choose:
- Modified Broad
- Broad
- Phrase
- or Exact
Negative Keywords
Negative keywords are set up the same way as regular keywords, except if those words are searched your ads will NOT appear. Click on the 'negative keywords' tab in the Ad groups menu to setup the keywords.