When it comes to different targeting modes, Channable offers a couple of options we'll discuss everything regarding targeting in this article, below you'll see what the page looks like.
We'll go explain every field thoroughly, by going from field to field.
- Targeting synchronization
- Targeting setting
- Location targeting
- Targeted locations
- Excluded locations
- Targeted languages
Targeting synchronisation
This setting changes the outcome of the targeting operations that the generator and its campaigns perform. There are three options to set your targeting of locations and languages:
1. Targeting only to new campaigns: When the targeting mode is Add targeting only to new campaigns
, Channable makes sure that only new campaigns that show up in the tool will get the location(s) and language(s) you have set up. If you change the targets, they aren't applied to existing campaigns. In this mode, Channable will never remove the location(s) and language(s) you have set up from Google.
2. Overwrite targeting changes on Google: When the targeting mode is Overwrite targeting changes on Google
, Channable takes ownership of the location(s) and language(s) you have set up in the tool.
This means that Channable will ensure the location(s) and language(s) you have set up in the tool are on Google, and when it is removed from the tool, Channable will also remove it from Google. If there are location(s) and language(s) (manually) added on Google and not in the tool, Channable doesn't remove them.
In short, the tool determines what targeting settings are on Google, with the exception of settings you manually made on Google.
3. Overwrite ALL targeting changes on Google: When the targeting mode is Overwrite all targeting on Google
, Channable will make Google match the location(s) and language(s) that are set up in the tool. This means that Channable removes location(s) and language(s) that have been (manually) added on Google and not in the tool. Channable also adds back location(s) and language(s) that were (manually) removed on Google but are in the tool.
In short, the tool determines everything regarding targeting settings, including settings you manually made on Google.
Targeting setting
You can change the targeting setting from "Default" specifically to either "Targeting" or "Observation". Use the “Targeting” setting in your ad groups or campaigns if you want to narrow your ad group and only show it to specific audiences or on the specific content you’ve selected. Use the "Observation" setting if you don’t want to narrow your campaigns or ad groups targeting any further, but you want to monitor how certain criteria perform with your ads. If you set this to "Default", Channable does not determine the targeting setting, but Google does. The default targeting for remarketing lists is "Target and bid", which is what your targeting setting would default to in this case.
Location targeting
You can choose the type of location targeting here. You can select either "Location of Presence", "Area of Interest", or both. If needed, the question marks next to these settings further explain what the differences between these options are.
Targeted locations
You can add target locations by clicking on the "+ Add target location" button.
A field for the target is then added, and you can use the drop-down menu to select the correct location. It is possible to add multiple target locations. If you do not add any specific locations the targeting will be set to "All locations and territories".
Excluded locations
The "+ Add excluded location" button allows you to exclude locations.
A field for the target is then added, and you can use the drop-down menu to select the location. It is possible to exclude multiple locations.
Targeted languages
You can add target languages by clicking on the "+ Add target language" button.
A field for the target is then added, and you can use the drop-down menu to select the language. It is possible to add multiple target languages. If you do not add any specific languages the targeting will be set to "All languages".