Importing a password-protected feed is similar to importing a non-protected feed. The only additional thing you will need to do is configure the authentication.
Step 1 - Choose your feed type
In your project navigate to Setup and click "Setup import". You will be given a few options through which to import your products. Select your type of feed and click "Continue". We support authentication for the following file-based imports:
- Text file (.txt)
Step 2 - Fill in the URL
Next, fill in the URL of your feed.
Step 3 - Configure your authentication
We support various means of authentication for file-based imports depending on the protocol:
First you need to pick the relevant protocol in the drop-down menu.
For HTTP and HTTPS protocols we support two authentication types:
- Username & password (basic auth). Select “Username & password (basic auth)” next to the URL and fill in the username and password.
- Username & password (digest auth). This is another form of username-password authentication. It works the same as 'basic auth', but is less common.
- Authentication header. In this case, we will include an x-api-key header with the request. Select “Authentication header” next to the URL and fill in the header token.
For FTP, we also only support Username & password authentication. You can configure this the same way as for HTTP/HTTPS.
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
For SFTP, we currently only support Username & password login. You can configure this the same way as for HTTP/HTTPS. SFTP is secure, your credentials will be transmitted over an encrypted connection.