Before you start creating feeds, please make sure that you have valid EAN numbers for all products. Without these identification numbers, the products cannot be listed on Galaxus.
To successfully send your products to Galaxus, you will at least need the following 3 feeds in Channable:
Stammdaten + Medien + Deklarationen (core data + media + declarations)
Preisdaten + Bestandsdaten (price data + stock data)
Spezifikationen (specifications)
- Zubehör (equipment)
Please consider the following points:
- The Category step can be skipped for all Galaxus feeds, as Galaxus does not have platform-specific categories.
- If you exclude products, the rules that lead to the product exclusion must be present in all feeds. Otherwise, the data will not be transferred correctly to Galaxus. You only need to create the rules in one of the feeds and then copy them to the other feeds. Here is an article about copying rules.
- Common rules that help to create a Galaxus feed and to exclude the desired products are:
Exclude if:
- ProviderKey: double ID (duplicate)
- GTIN: GTIN empty
- GTIN: GTIN occur twice (duplicates)
- GTIN: read here how to validate your EANs and GTINs
- WeightG (EU hub): weight empty
- TARICode (EU hub): customs tariff number empty
1. Setup Galaxus Stammdaten + Medien + Deklarationen
1. 1 Creating a new Galaxus Feed within Channable
In Channable, click the "Feeds" tab in the left menu bar. Then click Add Feed and select Galaxus. Select Stammdaten + Medien + Deklarationen as the market. After clicking on Save, the step "Categories" appears automatically, which you can skip in Galaxus. Afterwards, you get to the Rules step in which you can optimize your products as usual.
1.2 Create rules
Galaxus emphasizes the following rules for manipulating the data:
The article name (ProductTitle) must not contain any categories, brands or specifications (colors, volumes, sizes etc.); only the adjusted article name is permitted. If the title is always structured in the same way, the redundant attributes can be removed by a split-text rule.
The product description (LongDescription) is kept general and does not contain any advertising texts or provider-specific information. Web links and bullet points are not permitted.
Features: Galaxus relies on good specifications of the items so that they can be used for filter functions or the creation of variants in the online shop. If the information about the properties is only contained in the descriptions, you can use rules to provide the information to Galaxus in a separate 'Spezifikationen' feed.
These screenshots show rules for removing redundant information (in this example the color property) from the title:
If the value to be removed from the title (color, brand etc.) already exists in a separate field, the second rule is sufficient. Instead of the value color_title you can select the corresponding value (color, brand etc.) and replace it with nothing " " in the title.
If you have to create new fields because you do not have a separate field for certain values, you can create a new field in the mapping. Read this article about how to do so.
1.3. Finalize and Preview
Once you have optimized your product data, use our template to map the internal Channable fields with the fields of Galaxus. Pay attention to the question mark behind each field. If you move the mouse over it, the specifications of Galaxus will appear. Like this, you can find out if the existing product data still needs to be adjusted by rules to meet the requirements of Galaxus. Once you have set up the links in the "Finalize" step, click Save. In the preview you can view the generated feed and can also download and send it using the feed URL. In the quality check you will see the fields that are marked as mandatory or recommended but not yet linked or empty. You can correct any errors using rules.
2. Galaxus Preisdaten & Bestandsdaten setup
In Channable, click Feeds on the left menu bar again. Click Add Feed and select Galaxus. This time, select Preisdaten + Bestandsdaten as the market.
Create relevant rules here and map the internal Channable fields with the fields of Galaxus. To list your products successfully on Galaxus, please note the following:
- The Galaxus fields RestockTime & RestockDate only need to be filled if products that are not in stock are to be transferred to Galaxus.
- Please note the Galaxus specifications on the price fields, which may vary depending on the integration model at Galaxus (dealer, EU hub, supplier, etc. - if you are unclear on this point, please contact your business contact at Galaxus).
3. Setup Galaxus Spezifikationen
This time, define Spezifikationen as the market and set up the feed as usual.
Although the Galaxus specifications require property fields, the nature of the property fields is not specifically defined. Therefore, you will only see the ProductKey as a mandatory field in the Finalize step.
You then link all the properties of your products and name the fields in the way Galaxus requires. Define a comprehensible name for the property and add the language _DE (German), _EN (English), _FR (French), and _IT (Italian). All other fields which do not contain any property of products must be deleted.
To successfully list your products on Galaxus, please consider the following:
- Values must not exceed 200 characters.
The preview step of your property feed is available before you go live.
4. Setup Galaxus Zubehör
In addition, you have the possibility to specify suitable accessories for a main article.
To generate the feed for Galaxus, you can also work with a separate list of part numbers of the accessory items (matching the main item).
Important here is that the matching ProviderKeys are uploaded as a list in a field in Channable - from the template the appropriate structure is automatically generated for Galaxus.
5. Activate your Galaxus feeds
To activate the feeds, click Settings in the left bar and then click Activate Project. Then click on Feeds, Settings, Activate feed for each feed. If you now click on Preview in the feeds, you will find the URL that you are sending to Galaxus.