When you want to advertise in other languages and have multiple languages in one Lightspeed shop backend, you can import your products in those languages. This article explains how!
I connected my Lightspeed to Channable just now
If you are new to Channable and just created your first connection, you should see we already created a project per language for you (view image below). In each of the projects, you will find the products for that specific language.
I connected my Lightspeed to Channable some time ago
If you added new languages to your Lightspeed shop backend recently, but don't see them in your Channable account yet, please contact our support team via support@channable.com. Because we do not continuously check for new languages in your Lightspeed, we have to manually create new connections for those languages.
I have separate Lightspeed accounts for different languages
When you do not have all languages in one Lightspeed shop backend, but in multiple accounts, you have to download the Channable app for each Lightspeed account.