This Help Center article will go through common errors/issues that you can run into when using the image editor in Channable. The following common errors are explained in this article:
1 Field does not exist
2 Field is not of type Image
3 Image Format is not Supported
4 Template does not Exist
5 Image Not Tracked
6 Image Not Downloaded
7 Specific Item is Failing, but Not Sure Which One
8 Image Cannot be Generated
With our dynamic image editor, you can combine data and image optimization for impactful ads. Effortlessly generate optimized and hyper-relevant, product ads for social multichannel campaigns, directly from your feed, at scale.
1 Field does not exist
This issue occurs when a Template references a non-existent Project Field. This can happen, for example, when a template is created in Project A, using 'sale_percentage' as part of a dynamic text object. Later, when you want to apply this Template to items in Project B, where there is no field 'sale_percentage' in the import, the error 'This field does not exist!' will appear.
The solution is to make sure that all referenced Project Fields exist in the projects in which the Template is used.
2 Field is not of type Image
This message will pop up when you are trying to use a field that does not have the Type of the field set to 'Image'. This applies to both image objects in the Template and the field where the edited image will be stored.
One way to run into this issue is if you are using a field like 'image_link' and you import this field as a type 'Text' as the field to 'Store URL in' of an Image Rule.
Another reason for this error would be to not have a field set in the 'Store URL in'- part of the rule or to reference a non-Image field here.
You can solve this by making sure that all fields used within the feature are of Type: 'Image'. This can be done in the import mapping.
3 Image format is not Supported
This error will be visible when anything other than PNG, WebP, JPG, or JPEG is used as an image format in the import. Since we can only process images of these formats as input. Note that the resulting images from the Image Editor will always be with the PNG format.
4 Template does not Exist
This happens when a template that has been deleted is (still) being referenced in a project. Since Templates can be accessed and deleted from anywhere in a company, there may be references to the deleted Templates after they have been deleted. Rather than deleting every Image Rule in which the deleted template is referenced, a warning will be displayed where these Templates are used.
In order to solve this, you have to remove references to deleted Templates in the affected Image Rules.
5 Image Not Tracked
This error means that we do not have the image link being referenced in our tracking, and therefore cannot use it as an image.
The process that extracts image links from the Import couldn’t extract the image link that is being referenced. So, even though the Project Field being referenced is of type 'Image', the creation of edited images in an export may fail for a specific item for which the image link extraction didn’t properly work out.
Try rerunning the importer and wait (preferably) an hour after it’s done. If this doesn’t work, then we advise you to contact our support department for further investigation.
6 Image Not Downloaded
This error will pop up when an image from an item in the stream that is being edited has not yet been downloaded. Because of that, we cannot generate the edited image.
After an image link has been extracted from the import, this link will enter a queue to have its image downloaded. This means that there is a delay between the import finishing and the images being available to generate edited images.
The solution for this is to wait till the image is downloaded. If the image never gets downloaded, something may have gone wrong with the download, in that case, you need to check from the source (import) if the image is available for downloading.
7 Specific Item is Failing, but Not Sure Which One
An export with Image Rules is failing because of a specific item. The error itself does not give a lot more detail. However, the most likely reason for this error is that the Unique ID for an item is not set.
Therefore, you need to make sure that the correct (and the same) Unique ID is set for the project and the export. This should be a unique identifier per item that should be exported in the feed.
In the project settings, you can find the Unique ID here:
8 Image Cannot be Generated
When an image cannot be generated, for example because of the errors 'image not tracked', 'unsupported extension' or 'image not downloaded' (errors that are for specific items within an image rule), you can decide yourself what Channable needs to do. For this, you have to go to the Safety settings in the 'Settings' tab of your export channel. Here, you can choose one of the following options:
- Fail the feed and send a notification (default setting)
- Remove the items from the feed if the image generation fails
- Use a backup image link by selecting a project field