This article helps you add additional images to your feed to use for the image editor. You can add extra images such as logos for your different brands, or perhaps use images to create special background designs for your product images.
Adding new images to your projects
If you want to use images in your image templates that are not in your product feed, you can add these easily using our ‘combine imports’ feature.
To do this, you need 2 things:
- The images must be accessible via a URL and be of one of the following file types: PNG, WebP, JPG, or JPEG.
- Create a Google spreadsheet that contains the image URLs you want to add and publish this spreadsheet. Read more about this in this article.
Below are 2 examples that show this method: adding brand logos and adding background designs.
Example 1: Adding Logos
Let’s say you have 3 different brands and you want to add the logos of these 3 brands to the correct products. You can take care of this using the following steps:
- Make sure your logo images are reachable via the URL
- Create a Google spreadsheet containing
- 2 columns: one for the brand name, and one for the logo image URL. These will become project fields in Channable.
- A row for each brand name and logo URL combination.
- Publish this spreadsheet online and copy the URL.
- Go to ‘Setup import’ in Channable and click on ‘Combine imports’.
- Select ‘Google spreadsheet’, insert the URL of your spreadsheet, and click ‘save’.
- You should then be taken to the ‘import mapping’ section. Here you now see the brand name and logo URL project fields.
- Make sure that the ‘brand name’ field has the same name as the ‘brand’ field in your main product feed.
- Change the field type of the logo field to ‘Image’ so you can use it in the image editor.
- Now, select ‘combine on field’ and select ‘brand’ as the field to combine on.
- After clicking on ‘Save & import’ your spreadsheet will be combined with your main product feeds and your logo URLs will be added to the products with the corresponding brand.
Example 2: Adding a background design
If you have a design that you want to use as background in your templates, you can add these to your feed and use them in the image editor by following these steps:
- Make sure your design images are reachable via the URL
- Create a Google spreadsheet containing
- A column for each design you want to add
- 1 row with the design image URLs
- Publish this spreadsheet online and copy the URL.
- Go to ‘Setup import’ in Channable and click on ‘Combine imports’.
- Select ‘Google spreadsheet’, insert the URL of your spreadsheet, and click ‘save’.
- You should then be taken to the ‘import mapping’ section. Here you now see the design image URL fields.
- Change the field type to ‘Image’ so you can use it in the image editor.
- Now, select ‘Item enrichment. This will make sure your design images are added to all items in your product feed.
- After clicking on ‘Save & import’ your spreadsheet will be combined with your main product feeds and your designs will be added to all items.
- You can now select these designs in the image editor.