Are you new to Channable (CSS) and interested in using Channable's Comparison Shopping Service? To get started, you'll need either a Channable CSS account or a standard Channable account. If you don’t have one yet, you can easily create a Channable CSS account here or a standard Channable account here. Once your account is set up, follow the steps in this article to get started with Channable CSS!
To start your journey with Channable's CSS, simply sign up for a CSS account here. If you already have a Channable account, you can read this article on how to set up a CSS shop with your existing account.
The sign-up process is incredibly straightforward and quick, allowing you to easily set up a Channable CSS shop.
Once your Channable CSS account is set up, you're ready to set up a Channable CSS shop and get a 20% discount on Google Shopping Ads bids! Read this article on how to set up a CSS shop.
Important: View our email policy FAQ to figure out if your email domain can be used to create a Channable account.