To add categories to your items, navigate to the Feeds/APIs tab and click on the Categories step for the desired channel.
1. Categories page
When you are in the Categories step you will see 3 tabs. When you go to 'Manual categories' you will immediately see the button 'Generate categories'. If you already added categories manually, then you will find the option 'Generate categories' at the bottom right when you click on the plus.
2. Generating categories
Click on the 'Set category field' button. The following will appear:
You can use the drop-down menu to select the field you want to use to generate your categories. The most convenient is to use the most specific categorization provided in your master feed or from your platform. After selecting the correct field, click 'Save'.
3. Allocating 'category (internal)'
After generating your categories, you will find an if 'field' 'filter' 'value' rule. What you can do here is filter on the value of a field, for example: if 'categories' 'is equal to' 't-shirts' then type 'T-shirt' to find the category (internal) 'Clothing & Accessories > Clothing > Shirts & Tops'. This will assign this category to all items that match this filter. Also, the 'Set to category' dropdown will also provide suggestions that best match the value, making manual categorization easier.
4. Check your categorization
Don't forget to click 'Save', if you don't: all will be lost. When you have saved the changes, on the top left of the screen the percentage of items allocated to a category will appear, as well as the number of items with and without a category. To see the items without categories click on 'uncategorized items' and a list will be displayed. It is ideal to have 100% of your items categorized.
5. Completing your categorization
You have categorized your items by using the 'Generate categories' option, but have not reached a 100% status yet? You will need to add separate rules to complete your categorization. You can find how to do so here.