With our Bol API you can easily send your product offers to Bol and update its stock and pricing information every day. However, the first time you send your products to Bol (or when you have added new products that have not been sent to Bol before), they might not include all mandatory content for Bol.
How can I see if my products are unknown to Bol?
In your Bol seller account you will see an error for these products. In the product overview, they will contain the message "Productinformatie zwak (offline)" (weak product information). Furthermore, the stock level for these products will remain 0 while the product content in the EAN database of bol is not sufficient to publish the product on its website. The images of these products will also not be visible in Bol when the EAN codes are not known in the Bol EAN database.
In Channable you might not see the errors directly; your products can even show as 'Successful' in the Result step, but then show "weak product information" in your Bol account. This means that you are not sending any content (product information) for these products to Bol yet, but the offers were sent successfully. Bol needs to add the unknown products to their EAN database including all mandatory content, before they will accept the offers for the products and list them live in your account.
How do I solve the issue?
In order to send all required content to Bol, you need to fill in the Categories step and Attributes in the Bol API in Channable.
Step 1: Fill out the Categories and Attributes steps in your Bol API
Navigate to the Categories step in your Bol API and add categories to your products. You can use the generate categories function to help you set up the categories, or you can manually add categories. You can further check out the smart categorization feature to make the categorizing of your products even easier.
Navigate to the Attributes step in your Bol API and here you will see all the categories that you have set up in the Categories step. The attributes differ for each category, so make sure to go through them all using our attribute builder support article.
If you have filled out the categories and attributes in your Bol API, navigate to the APIs overview and run the API by clicking on the blue "Run now" button.
Step 2: Optimize your data in Channable
After pushing your product data, you can find feedback in the Result tab of your Bol API. If you send any content that does not meet the requirements or valid values, you will see errors like in the screenshot below.
Use the rules to optimize your data and use our attribute builder support article as a guide to optimize the Attributes step in your Bol API in Channable. After you have optimized the data in Channable, navigate to the APIs overview and run the API by clicking on the blue "Run now" button.
Step 3: Repeat until all errors are solved
It might be that one round of error-solving does not solve all the issues for your unknown products. If you still see the message "Productinformatie zwak (offline)" in your Bol account, repeat step 2 until the error has disappeared from the Result tab.
Please note that even though there are no errors in your product information, the Bol team may need some time to process the information, and they might disapprove your product information at a later stage.