In this article, you can find the steps on how you can download the product integration and offers integration reports in Octopia. These reports contain all the errors you may encounter in the Results tab of the Cdiscount API in Channable.
What is a Product integration report?
A Product integration report is an overview of the product creations you are sending through the Cdiscount API.
- Error 9000: Product already exists : you can add an offer on this product (see Offers management on the sellerzone): The product already exists in Cdiscount database : You can simply ignore this error.
- Error 9924: Produit : Les informations renseignées dans vos libellés et descriptifs ne sont pas assez claires pour déterminer la catégorie à associer. Si vous ne détectez pas d’erreur, vous pouvez nous contacter via la rubrique « Aide » de votre espace vendeur. If you get this error, you can read this article from our Helpcenter to check the requirements of Cdiscount concerning product creation.
- Error 5424: Produit : Product already submitted and still being processed manually by the marketplace staff. The processing of new products can take a few days, however if this message appears for too long, you can reach out to the seller support of CDiscount.
- Error 3300: Product created. You can add an offer of this product. This means the content was approved for this product and the offer (Price, Stock, etc.) will be added to it during the next run of the API.
How you can download the newest Product integration report
The Product integration report can be found in your Cdiscount seller account under Reports > Report on the creation of new products.
What is an Offers' integration report?
An Offers integration report is an overview of the updates made to existing products in the CDiscount database.
In this report, for all products that were correctly updated or created, you will see the mention of 'Offers updated' or 'Offers created'. Else, you might encounter one of these errors:
- Error 1324: Product : Non-existent: Ask for the creation in the « Product creation » of the seller interface. This means that your product needs to be created first, before an offer can be added to it. The creation of a product is done automatically if you filled in all required information. Check the integration report to see the status of this product creation.
- Error 2403: Seller product reference : An offer already exists on this product with another reference, the change is not possible, please take the former reference. In this case, you need to send a file to Cdiscount containing your new reference in order to make the change (the 'Unique ID per item' in the Settings tab of the Cdiscount API). For more information, please contact us.
- PACKAGE_REJECTED: The package was rejected by CDiscount. When this happens, the whole data file we send is rejected. This can happen because we are sending incorrect or empty values for one of the main attributes (for example, the 'price'). The modification report will detail which attribute is causing this.
How you can download the newest Offers integration report
The Offers integration report can be found in your Cdiscount seller account under Reports > Report on the creation and update of your offers.