If your desired channel is not currently available in Channable, we can always forward your request to develop it. However, take into account that we usually create our channels based on customers' demand. This means that the more companies who are interested, the greater the possibility that we create the new channel.
If you want to request an API as new export channel, the process is usually the same as with the Feed but it may take longer. This is because we'll need to create a feature request for our developers. Depending on the complexity of the channel, demand and time availability, a decision is made on if and when we will develop the requested API export channel. In some cases, we will also need extra documentation provided by the marketplace.
If you want to request an API as new export channel, in order to go ahead with your request and analyse the feasibility of creating the channel, we will ask some information to be provided from your side:
- API documentation
- Countries in which the platform is available
Please contact us with your request and the above information and we will look into the possibility of developing the new channel!
If you request a new API channel for which we already have a feature request, we will add your company to the list of interested customers. This will help us in determining the demand for the requested API channel. When we have added you to the feature request and the API has become available in the tool, you will automatically receive a message from us.
Remember that you always have the possibility to create a custom CSV or XML according to your preferences. You can follow the steps of this support article to do so.