If you are trying to create a listing for Carrefour Spain but you are encountering errors, this article can help you. If instead you are having doubts on how to create the listing, please read this article.
In this article we’ll discuss the origin and solution of some common Carrefour errors:
Error 1000 : The attribute 'ean' (EAN) is required, The product id field is mandatory when product id type is filled.
Solution: Fill the EAN field with a valid EAN number for all your products or exclude all the products that have no EAN or invalid EAN with a rule.
Error 2007: The attribute 'ean' (EAN) does not follow regular expression [0-9]{13}.
Solution: EANs should always be comprised of 13 numbers, so no less or more and no letters are accepted. Check that you are sending correct EANs or create a rule that excludes all invalid EANs.
Error 2003: The attribute 'descripcionLargaPorDefecto' (Long standard description) must have a minimum of 90 characters
Solution: Create a rule that combines a value for all products that have values for the field you assigned to ‘descripcionLargaPorDefecto’ and are shorter than 90 characters, so it reaches the minimum length.
Error mirakl_unknown_error_code: This error means that Carrefour does not recognize your EAN codes.
Solution: The cause could be that Carrefour is processing the creation of the product in their catalog. If this is the case, the error should disappear by running the API after a couple of hours. Another reason is that Carrefour always requires that any seller who wants to register new products sends a copy of their feed, in excel format, for review. Carrefour needs to check and validate all the new items that are going to be put on Carrefour.es. So, first make sure this file is actually sent to Carrefour. Another cause could be that you are missing some attributes that are necessary for the creation of the product. To find out if this is the cause, please check the Attribute section of your API for red columns/missing or invalid values. You can check this article from our Help Center related to the Attribute Builder for more information.
Best practices
Adding multiple attribute values: when adding multiple values in an attribute field for Mirakl Marketplaces, separate each value with a pipe symbol "|" to ensure proper detection and processing.
Seller's Product ID for Single/simple products: Please note that there are two attributes named 'SellerArticleId' and 'SellerProductId,' respectively. 'SellerProductId' refers to the Parent ID, while 'SellerArticleId' refers to the variant items. For single products, both attributes must be filled with the same value.
For more information on Mirakl Marketplace errors, how-to's, and best practices, check out our dedicated guide. Click here to read more.