If you want to add additional links to your Google ads, you can now use sitelinks. Sitelinks are extra links that are shown under your advertisement, and lead people to specific pages on your website. When somebody clicks these links, they are automatically directed to the information they want to know or products they want to buy. Under your advertisements a submenu will be shown with references to your website.
By using sitelinks you get the opportunity to show more of your website. In addition, an ad with sitelinks takes up more space and other search results are pushed down. The costs per click are the same for sitelinks as for regular ads. You pay the same amount for a click on a sitelink as for a click on the ad.
Adding the sitelinks to your ads in Channable
To add sitelinks to your advertisements, go to the new tab in the Ad groups step of your generator called Sitelinks. Here you can create your sitelinks. In the sitelink format you can choose the link text and -URL and two description lines. Sitelinks are made on adgroup level and a total of 8 sitelinks per adgroup can be created.
What do the sitelinks look like in your ad?
Section 1 of the left image below shows what the main part of your ad looks like. You have to set up this part in the Ad templates tab in Channable. Section 2 of the left image below shows what the sitelinks look like in your ad. In the image four sitelinks are shown. In section 2 of the left image the components of the sitelinks are named and in the right image the corresponding field in Channable of that component is shown.